
5th December 2023

Join us at DAPSOC 2023 Symposium

5th December 2023

University of Southern Denmark 


The Danish Proteomics Society (DAPSOC) was established in 2005 to promote proteomics, to facilitate proteomics education and training activities in Denmark and to serve as a national contact point for international proteomics societies and organisations.

DAPSOC has organised its annual symposium since 2005. The annual symposium presents national and international speakers and is held on the first Tuesday in December at SDU, Odense, DK.

The annual DAPSOC Symposium attracts more than 140 participants and 10-14 exhibitors, attesting to the wide use of proteomics approaches in biological and biomedical research in Denmark and abroad.

PEAK are delighted to be present at this years symposium showcasing our range of nitrogen, hydrogen and zero air laboratory gas generators for LCMS and GC.

What's on?

Find out what's happening at the DAPSOC Annual Symposium 2023

Where to find the DAPSOC 2023 Symposium 

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