3rd February 2025

You might think your gas generator has been approved by your instrument manufacturer when it is in fact merely ‘designed for’ your particular GC or LC-MS instrument. Read on to discover the significant difference.

Has your gas generator really been approved by your instrument manufacturer?

When a scientific instrument manufacturer launches a new GC or LC-MS instrument, gas generator companies will ensure they have a gas generator that can supply the zero air, hydrogen, or nitrogen gas required for that new product.

Like PEAK Scientific, other gas generator companies will often design a new gas generator to provide LC-MS or GC gas suitable to meet the unique gas requirements of the new GC or LC-MS instrument. The resulting gas generator is a product that has been ‘designed for’ the new instrument, in that, as far as the gas generator manufacturer is concerned, it meets the required specifications of the instrument.

For most gas generator companies, this is enough. They have decided that their product will capably meet the gas requirements of the new instrument for the instrument’s lifetime and they're happy with this.

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Wherever possible PEAK Scientific will work with the major GC and LC-MS instrument manufacturers such as Agilent, Thermo Fisher, SCIEX, Waters, Bruker, and others, when developing new gas generators. This is to ensure that your PEAK Scientific gas generator is not only designed for your particular instrument, it also comes with the peace of mind that major instrument manufacturers have already tested and validated it for use with their instrument. Many PEAK Scientific gas generators are produced solely to support a particular instrument.

Genius XE SCI 2 nitrogen gas generatorPEAK's Genius XE SCI 2 which is tested and validated by SCIEX

What is instrument manufacturer validation?

For a gas generator to be ‘validated’, the gas generator manufacturer must work with the instrument manufacturer to ensure they are satisfied the generator is suitable for use with a particular instrument in their product portfolio.

At PEAK Scientific, we achieve this validation by supplying our new gas generator, in many cases a prototype, which we have designed for a particular analytical instrument, to the instrument manufacturer for testing.

This testing process can take time as the instrument manufacturer will put the generator through rigorous testing to ensure it can always meet the instrument's gas needs and the stringent operating standards.

The instrument manufacturer will also test that the hydrogen, nitrogen or zero air generator they are testing will not interfere in any way with the results produced by the instrument.

Once they are satisfied that the gas generator submitted for testing is suitable for use with their instrument they will validate it, meaning that the gas generator manufacturer can tell their customers the generator is ‘approved’ for a particular analytical instrument.

Of course, during the validation process, an instrument manufacturer may suggest improvements that should be made for a generator to be validated.

At PEAK Scientific we have a dedicated team of product managers and specialized laboratory gas generator engineers who work closely with the major instrument manufacturers to ensure we always provide you with an exceptional product.

We do this because we take great pride in our generators and want to ensure our products are the best they can be. Not only that, we want to give you, our customers, the confidence that your gas generator has been approved for your particular LC-MS or GC instrument by the instrument’s manufacturer.

Choose peace of mind today

Contact us today and we’ll help you choose the generator that's validated to work with your instrument

Although at PEAK Scientific we have a wide range of validated gas generators, not all of our generators have been validated. This can be for several reasons, such as the generator being suitable to supply gas to different analytical instruments or due to the instrument still being validated.

However, if you are ever in any doubt as to which PEAK gas generator would be suitable for your instrument, please contact us, and one of our expert PEAK sales representatives will discuss your requirements and recommend a PEAK generator you can rely on to give you exceptional, every day.

You should now understand the difference between a gas generator that has simply been ‘designed for’ an instrument and one that is ‘approved’ by the instrument manufacturer.

When a gas generator is approved you can have full confidence that it will meet the gas requirements of your instrument without interfering with your analysis.

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We are experts in our field - with over 20 years' worth of experience in pioneering cutting-edge gas generator technology, we have worked closely with leading instrument manufacturers to help you find a solution tailored to your specific needs.

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