
28th February 2018

NM32LA helps provide a consistent Nitrogen supply

In this user story, North Carolina State University describes the benefits they received from switching from tanks to a Peak Scientific NM32LA nitrogen gas generator. 

Company: North Carolina State University

Job Title: Senior Researcher



North Carolina State University uses a Peak Scientific Genius NM32LA gas generator to provide a consistent flow and purity of nitrogen gas to their Waters Xevo G2-XS. In this user story, North Carolina State University describes how gas generators are convenient for their analysis over the traditional cylinder options.

Typically what is the focus of your LC-MS analysis - what sort of applications?
“Metabolite profiling of plant extracts, structural elucidation of metabolites of interest, TOF-MRM quantitative analyses.”

What Peak Scientific generators do you have in your laboratory and what LC-MS instruments do they supply?
“We have a Genius NM32LA 230V that supplies a Waters Xevo G2-XS.”

What prompted you to choose a Peak generator and how long have you used them?
“We already had several mass spectrometers in the lab and the existing gas supply (from tanks) was not enough to handle an additional instrument. We’ve been using our NM32LA for about 2 years.”

What has been the key benefit of deploying Peak generators as opposed to your previous gas supply solution?
“Not having to constantly monitor tanks, estimate usage, coordinating replacements – particularly over holidays and breaks when typical deliveries would be interrupted.”

How would you describe your purchasing experience with Peak in terms of speed of response, ease of ordering, catering for your needs and timing of delivery?
“The whole process was very smooth. The purchase was handled through Waters but Peak proactively coordinated appropriate delivery, site-prep, and user operation.”

Have you ever had a site visit from a Peak engineer, if so, could you describe your experience of this support?
“Not yet, we haven't needed one.”

Would you recommend Peak Scientific generators to other laboratories - and if so, what would be your main reason for the recommendation?
“Absolutely, it is very dependable and has required almost no input or thought on my part.”


By converting from tanks to the Genius NM32LA, North Caroline State University has cut down on costs associated with repeated deliveries of tanks or dewars and eliminated the fear of running out of gas at an inopportune moment. Peak’s NM32LA is compatible with most LC-MS instruments on the market today and it is able to supply on-demand LC-MS grade purity nitrogen gas with a flow of up to 32L/min.

Providing labs with unrivalled peace of mind is a core objective of Peak Scientific from initial product design to the world-class after sales service and support we deliver worldwide. Due to the NM32LA's reliability and consistent gas flow, the lab at North Caorlina State University knows that their instrument gas supply is no longer a worry, allowing them to focus on their analysis.

We pride ourselves on our generators and impeccable service. However, don’t just take our word for it. Check out SelectScience to read independent reviews from our customers.

Make the switch to a gas generator today    


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