Bruce Peat

27th January 2017

Precision generators provide carrier and purge gas for University of Cardiff

Name: Dr Nikolaos Dimitratos

Job Title: University Research Fellow

Company: Cardiff University, Wales, UK


Cardiff University Peak Scientific gas generators


Research fellow gets Precision results

Dr Nikolaos Dimitratos works as a Research Fellow at Cardiff University. His role involves the design of microreactors, operation of microreactors and batch reactors, the preparation of heterogeneous catalysts and the characterisation of materials. As he works within the university his role also involves teaching and supervision of students, project management, writing grant proposals, articles, patents and reports. Dr Nikolaos has Precision Hydrogen gas generators in his laboratory which supply his GC analysis. He also has Precision Nitrogen generators which feed a steady flow of nitrogen gas to his FT-IR instrument. In this latest user story Dr Nikolaos describes his analysis and explains why he chose to implement Peak gas generators in his lab.

Typically, what is the focus of your GC analysis - what sort of applications?

"My analysis primarily focuses on the liquid phase oxidation of sugars, glycerol, alcohols and acids."

What Peak Scientific generators do you have in your laboratory and what GC instruments do they supply?

"I have both H2 and N2 generators for supplying GC, and N2 to supply N2 for the pipelines and DRIFTS (FT-IR instrument)."

What prompted you to choose a Peak generator and how long have you used them?

"Very good quality, mainly for GC instruments (H2 carrier gas) and for continuous flow reactors at low pressure. Safety, easy handling and good prices."

What has been the key benefit of deploying Peak generators as opposed to your previous gas supply solution?

"Safety and ease of operation."

How would you describe your purchasing experience with Peak in terms of speed of response, ease of ordering, catering for your needs and timing of delivery?

"Very fast in response, very friendly and always very helpful. The delivery was fast."

Have you ever had a site visit from a Peak engineer, if so, could you describe your experience of this support?

"Not yet."

Would you recommend Peak Scientific generators to other laboratories - and if so, what would be your main reason for the recommendation?

"Yes, we have already done it. Very good quality of the instruments."


By having Peak gas generators in his lab Dr Nikolaos has seen many benefits such as improved lab safety, ease of handling as there is no need to switch over gas cylinders and above all he now has an uninterrupted flow of gas to his analytical equipment which has reduced his lab downtime.  

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With Precision Hydrogen generators providing carrier gas for GC and Precision Nitrogen generators delivering purge gas for FT-IR, Dr Nikolaos can have confidence that his lab's gas supply is assured. With a constant flow and consistent purity, the research lab at Cardiff University have found greater efficiency by using Precision gas generators for GC compared with gas cylinders or bulk gas supply.

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