Tradebe is a global front-runner in waste recovery and recycling solutions. Find out what they think of our Precision Hydrogen generator for GC analysis.
Established in 1983, Tradebe has operated in a variety of sectors including, industrial, manufacturing, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and more. Processing over two million tons of waste per year, and recycling around 60%, they are a leader in waste management in Europe and the US, with annual revenue that surpasses 455million Euros.
Name: Evrim Igsiz
Job title: Laboratory Manager
Company: Tradebe
Tradebe have been telling us how our Precision Hydrogen generator is helping them in improving the quality control in the important work that they do.
1. Typically what is the focus of your GC analysis - what sort of applications?
“Our main focus is Quality Control of recovered solvents.”
2. What Peak Scientific generators do you have in your laboratory and what GC instruments do they supply?
“We have Precision Hydrogen and PH200 . GCs are Agilent 5890/6850/7820 and Perkin Elmer Autosystem XL.”
3. What prompted you to choose a Peak generator and how long have you used them?
“We have been a loyal customer of Peak for many years, having had the PH200 and other Hyrdogen and Nitrogen generators in the past.”
4. What has been the key benefit of deploying Peak generators as opposed to your previous gas supply solution?
“The Peak Scientific Precision generator has worked out much cheaper than buying bottled Hydrogen. It is also a more stable supply.”
5. How would you describe your purchasing experience with Peak in term s of speed of response, ease of ordering, catering for your needs and timing of delivery?
“Very easy! Maureen, our Peak sales rep is always very helpful.”
6. Have you ever had a site visit from a Peak engineer, if so, could you describe your experience of this support?
“Yes – the engineers are always very helpful over the phone and quick to attend the site to carry out repairs.”
7. Would you recommend Peak Scientific generators to other laboratories - and if so, what would be your main reason for the recommendation?
“Definitely - excellent products with good service.”
Tradebe have been a loyal and valued customer of Peak for many years. Having used various hydrogen and nitrogen gas generators for thier GC analysis, they have seen the benefits that a generator can bring as opposed to gas cylinders. Not only have they saved money, but they have had a more stable gas supply, leaving their work with minimal interruptions while using Peak Scientific generators.