Typically what is the focus of your GC analysis?
The evaluation of the purity and impurity profile of liquid ingredients in connection to qualifications of the materials to be use in our process.
What PEAK Scientific generators do you have in your laboratory and what instrument(s) do they supply?
- Precision Hydrogen 300 cc
- Precision Zero 1500 cc
- Precision Air Compressor
Can you explain the safety benefits Precision has brought to your lab?
The volume of gas produced per minute is low which means the chance of hydrogen LEL value in testing environment becoming dangerous is remote. This gives us no concern from safety point view in comparison to compressed gas cylinder.
How has the Precision’s compact size impacted your laboratory footprint?
This is a robust, elegant generator which occupies a very small area. The compressor runs without noise helping to meet best quality requirements for usage in our quality control lab.
What prompted you to choose a PEAK Precision hydrogen generator for your analysis?
This is best find compared to other available gas generators on the market and provides trouble-free service without any haze for longer duration/use.
What has been the key benefit of deploying PEAK's Precision for your analysis as opposed to your previous gas supply solution?
The yield/gas quality which is 99.999%, which is excellent, meets our process requirement. There is no alarming pressure buildup, no question of reaching hydrogen LEL value and hence it’s a huge gain in terms of safety.
Would you recommend PEAK Scientific generators to other laboratories? If yes, what would be your main reason for recommendation?
Yes. Quality of gas, highest standard of safety, occupying very little space, soundless, and trouble free.